Resistive Touch Screen Features

Resistant to EMI(Noise), Avoid accidental & unintentional touch Various operation touch devices:(Fingers, gloves, stylus-pen, any…), Cost advantage

Capacitive Touch Screen (Projective capacitive) Features

High durability (Glass/Glass structure), Light touch operation((Smartphone-like), Multi-touch & Gesture operation, Design-rich (Flatness Transparent), Outdoor use (LCD protection from UV)

Polarizing Film

Polarizing Film

Polarizing Film Significantly Reduces intense Reflected light Support:Resistive TypeCapacitive Type By controlling the amount of incident and diffuse reflected light and blocking the reflected light internally, diffuse reflection can be suppressed and excess outside light can be cut. Significantly reduces incoming light. Substantially block out reflected light The film rotates and absorbs incoming light, greatly blocking reflected light and making the screen clearer and easier to see, even in bright environments. The amount of reflected light can be controlled by the direction of the filter, which significantly cuts off the light. It also suppresses diffuse reflections from air and other factors, so you can see images with high contrast and high color reproduction on screen. Control the amount of incident and diffuse light Natural light varies in amplitude, magnitude, and direction, but when it follows a certain rule, it is called "polarized light". When the polarization is in one direction, it is called "linearly polarized light", and when the amplitude of the polarization is circular with phase differences over time, it is called "circularly polarized light". Polarizer film allows only light that rotates to the right or left at the time of incidence to be transmitted, and blocks excess outside light by blocking the reflected light inside. Block out the light and make the screen look clearer Light oscillating in all directions is converted into linearly polarized light by passing through the polarizer, which absorbs light in one direction, and is captured. The captured polarized light is converted to circularly polarized light (right-handed rotation) by passing through the waveplate (1/4λ plate) and becomes left-handed when it is reflected on the LCD surface. Adopt Content A touch panel of a point-of-sale (POS) system for a gas station to be used at an outdoor construction site. The strong sunshine at the installation site is a challenge. Manual input by the field staff is essential for the centralized management of POS data at each station and for grasping the detailed filling amounts that vary by day, time, and region. Anti-reflective film is not effective in preventing input errors, and it is thought that it may cause errors. The glare of strong sunlight is suppressed, high contrast color reproduction is ensured, and visibility is greatly improved.